TBN, the new tech stock, organized an analyst meeting to discuss its trading plan on the Market for Alternative Investment (mai) this year.
Mr. Panayu Sirikrachangsri, CEO of TBN Corporation Limited, and Ms. Duangpan Lilaviwat, Managing Director of Pioneer Advisory Limited, financial advisors, welcomed the analyst team at the TBN Corporation headquarters recently. The purpose of the meeting was to present the company’s information and its growth strategy according to the planned capital raising through an Initial Public Offering (IPO) of 25,000,000 common shares. The company aims to have its shares listed on the Market for Alternative Investment (mai) within this year. This move is part of TBN’s technology business category, which includes raising funds through IPO and utilizing the capital to enhance its capabilities and competitiveness in design, development, and provision of Low-Code platform services. Additionally, the funds raised will be used for personnel development, supporting digital transformation trends that are on the rise.