TBN is trending with Mendix Low-Code, a key to transitioning through the state into the digital age.

Mr. Panayu Sirikrachangsri, the CEO of TBN Corporation Public Company Limited, also known as TBN, which is the first and most experienced Low-Code platform provider in Thailand, has collaborated with the Office of the Civil Service Commission (OCSC) and the National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) to organize a seminar with the theme “Digital Skills: Low-Code Platform for Creating Digital Tools in Government Operations.” The event involved 59 government agencies from 16 ministries.

TBN has introduced the concept of the Low-Code Platform, which is a crucial tool for modern government officials. This concept aligns with the idea of e-Government, bringing digital technology into the transformation of government processes. The goal is to make the government more contemporary, improve the efficiency and transparency of public sector agencies, and enhance service delivery while enabling effective monitoring.